It truly is a strange stand in politics (and in general) to expect that everyone can agree on something. It is rarely so. Two persons who buy the same toothbrush could perhaps agree that the particular kind of toothbrush is the toothbrush of choice, but perhaps their reasons for it are completely different. One was going for the price, the other for the color. One was thinking about the design of the toothbrush, the other just wanted a blue rubber handle.
The same applies for everything else. Lets say two people want to live in a neighborhood guarded by trained security guards. Does that mean they both want the State's Police force to stand the guard? No. Do they request protection from the same security firm? Maybe and maybe not, and perhaps or perhaps not for the same reasons.
It would be safer to assume that no-one agrees on anything rather than assume that some people agree on something for the same reasons. Indeed, no-one can agree on anything for completely the same reasons. We are individuals, all with our own preferences, budget, taste and whims. No-one can solve our conflicts and expect everyone to be satisfied. This is why we need a free market - in everything! A free market where everyone will simply purchase (or not) what they want, and make producers of services and products compete for our different tastes and preferences.
And for this reason and many others, the State must be abolished. Because we don't agree on the purpose and role of this monopoly industry.