Friday, June 11, 2004

Get the kids out!
Something big seems to be on the horizon regarding the public school-system in the United States:
The largest Protestant denomination in America---Southern Baptists, with 16 million members---will be voting next week on a resolution calling on their members to remove their children from government schools!
Now how about that? The voice of educational freedom is no longer a small, weak libertarian one sitting in some corner. People seem to be fed up and now a mass-movement has risen to free kids from the public school-system. More on This movement of Southern Baptists is a religious one of course, but their cause applies for every group in society where there are children and parents who seek for a good education. Isn't that simply everyone? I would think so. But it has to start somewhere, and a religious based freedom-fight is just as good as any other.

The government and the agitators of government-run social programs, like the education and health care system, mean well. They simply want "equality" and "fairness" and believe, with some degree of honesty, that government-action is necessary to achieve that (and of course I mean government-transfer of funds from one person to another without asking anyone for a permission first). They are, in my humble opinion, dead-wrong. Actually, they couldn't be more wrong! Government-run programs are in fact like badly run companies in almost any respect, except for the part of going bankrupt. They don't have to show good outcomes, and they can always demand more funds from their "customers" (taxpayers) without having anything to show for it. Then why be stubborn and still demand even more government-expansion?

I support the Southern Baptists and others who are trying to escape Big Brother and bring better future for their children. In general, I support all those who want to be free from the web of "common values", and start to live their own lives individually. People have compassion, and people generally just want to live in happiness and freedom. If we let them do so, then there will be more energy and efforts for those who are left behind and really and genuinely need help. We don't need the government to achieve that. We simply don't.

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