Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Political views versus religion
I have strong political views on many things and weaker on others. I like to think my political views in most cases combine what is fair and just and what has worked and will most likely continue to work. I believe it is fair and just to let people make most decisions regarding themselves by themselves, and few or no decisions regarding others. I believe each man owns himself and his properties by himself and should honor the same right regarding others. This is fair and just. When it comes to experience I think it has turned out that a system of limited government, free trade and as much personal freedom as possible creates the highest standard of living for most people, and the few that get "left behind" are easy exceptions which are easily dealt with with free contributions and volunteered help of kind-hearted individuals. In short: I believe I am preaching what is both fair and just, and has showed is the method best capable of providing good and long lives for most people.

So what's the deal? Am I doing something wrong by having strong opinions on the aspects of free trade and limited government? Am I just a brainwashed believer of some words of wisdom I read in books I've been told to read? Are my political opinions in any way different from those religions people have when it comes to their religion? For example, the Bible says Jesus died and rose back from the dead, and therefore that's my belief. Is this my take on what I think about the power of free trade?

In short: No. In a little longer version: I do not have opinions which I can't back up with both logic and facts. A strong part of my views are based on reasons of logic and fairness, but another part, and perhaps a more important one in many peoples minds, is based on experience of human kind with various forms of government and interference with peoples freedom and property. I state with 100% certainty that a very limited government which focuses on protecting people from violence and from hurting others and their property is the "system" which is best fitted to give good and long lives to the vast part of humanity. Those who don't exceed in this system can easily be helped by others. This I back up with reasons of logic, fairness and of course - experience!

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