Saturday, April 09, 2005

The question that won't be answered

The following question will never be answered by a Leftist because a Leftist doesn't have a convincing answer:

The industrial-revolution sprang out in Europe at a time when the continent was ruled by kings and queens. The kings and queens realized that if they were to gain economically from the new-born industries they would have to allow some kind of economic freedom. Free trade was encouraged by many (in many degrees) and great wealth was created unlike any before. Many citizens made vast fortunes and a middle-class formed in most countries of Western-Europe.

The newborn middle-class was in an awkward situation. It had the wealth, and it had the control over its own destiny in more ways than ever before. However, it didn't have any political influence. This had to be changed and little by little the kings and queens gave in (because it's harder to challenge a wealthy middle-class than poor peasants). One thing lead to another and before anyone knew most countries of Western Europe has democracies, freedom of speech/religion, freedom of press and so on. The economical freedom gave birth to the political one.

Today the same thing is happening in China: The communists started out by giving in to some economic freedom. Growth increased and more freedom was given. A middle-class appeared and with that pressure increased on the government to increase political freedom. Now the communists have admitted the existence of private property rights, are starting to respect human rights and all odds point to the fall of the Chinese communism within a few years.

Kings, queens and communists don't increase economic freedom to deliberately undermine their own power. They simply want to profit from the wealth of free trade. However, the economic freedom paves the way to private property rights, democracy and increased political power of the people. Since free democracies don't fight each other it might also be said that economical freedom strengthens peace and prosperity.

The Leftists needs to answer this: Isn't the best and fastest way to improve human lives to support free trade, capitalism and economic freedom in its broadest sense? Isn't the Right the key to peace on Earth and well-doing of all people?

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