Friday, May 13, 2005

Convergence to libertarianism

The biggest left-winged political party in Denmark is the Social democrats. It's an old party - at least over a 100 years old - and has experienced a lot of changes in the political landscape. At first it preached democratic socialism - a system newer tried out yet but still lives in the minds of some people. The party wanted to nationalize the means of production in the society. It wanted socialism in all its horrible beauty.

Time went by and the Iron-curtain fell. Texts about nationalization and State-owned means of production were removed from the manuscripts of the party. The party gets into government and implements old-fashioned methods to revive the economy. When the local economy collapsed in the international bubble-burst of 2000-2001 the party was out of government and could blame the conservatives then in charge.

When the Social democrats lost their second election this year their leader resigned - a leader with a red past and a fear for the new, globalized world of free competition and cooperation across the globe. Instead a young, "liberal" woman became the leader. This young woman had only been in office for 2 weeks when the ultra-Left began to call her liberal and a leaner to the Right. She has said she is willing to look into social-reforms of the soon-bankrupt welfare-system and hasn't promised any tax-increases yet.

Looking at the whole picture the trend is clear: The Social democrats have moved from Marxism to conservatism, and the process goes on towards liberalism - even libertarianism. It can probably never be expected that a party like the Social democrats fully appreciates the values of the Right, but it's moving there nice and slowly. The same can be said about its sister-parties in all of Scandinavia.

Politics converge to libertarianism with time. Ain't that a beauty?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that politics converge to libertarianism. The US could sure as hell stand to move that way.