Freedom is the path to justice, peace and prosperity in all its forms. Those who limit freedom limit human well-being in all aspects. This has been proven, more or less, for most areas of, for example, the political debate. Freedom decreases poverty, lengthens and improves lives, creates an effective market of technological improvements and shrinking prices on essentials, and so on. This is indisputable and can be shown with facts, logic and reason.
However, there is another list of areas where freedom has also shown its great power, but has yet to be presented in a way which eliminates the resistance to freedom. It is clear to most people that freedom decreases pollution, encourages people to care for the poor and the sick, helps the poorest to rise in living-standards and leads to improvements in the lives of the socially worst-off. Facts and logic can verify all this, but the existence of a Left proves the presentation has been lacking something.
How can this be? Didn't Milton Friedman make himself clear enough? Aren't the economics of the Austrian economics speaking in plain language? Don't the graphs and plots from the Index of Economic Freedom speak for themselves? Isn't the success of the liberalized Asian- and Eastern Europe-countries effecting enough? Also the opposite - doesn't Africa teach us anything when it comes to having a shortage of freedom?
The answers point to one direction: People are not getting the picture, and that is to be blamed on those who preach freedom as the path to prosperity. There is no use blaming the opponents of freedom - they have always existed and spoken loud - but their numbers can only be decreased with education and information, and that is up to the spokesmen and -women of freedom to provide.
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