Monday, March 13, 2006

Leftists: Encourage War!

Each war is also an internal emergency situation, and an emergency requires and seems to justify the acceptance of the state's increasing its control over its own population. Such increased control gained through the creation of emergencies is reduced during peacetime, but it never sinks back to its pre-war levels. (#)
Few question the observation that the historically biggest increase in State expansion in post-medieval times happened in the years after World War I and II. While engaged in war, the countries of the Western world gradually nationalized their schools, hospitals, infrastructure and utility services and have hardly let go since.

Put in another way: Everything the Left says is "public service" and must remain in State hands is in State hands because of the "emergency situation" created by war.

Put in yet another way: If it wasn't for war between governments, the Left would remain in its proper place - minimal and out of the way. But instead wars broke out and the Left got to see its dreams come true, with the State expanding without resistance during times of war, death and destruction.

But even worse than this pay-off war has for the Left is the denial of the Left of the fact that it in reality wants war, and needs it to gain ground. Somehow the Left beliefs it can have a big, great and powerful State but only in some areas but not others. A big, powerful State should remain in the school- and hospital-business and stay of the killing-business, the Left says. This is an ideological and a historical self-illusion. War is a friend of the Left and the Left knows it.

Perhaps this can explain the harsh opposition from the modern-Left that comes up whenever a non-Clinton president engages in a war outside his own borders, while the Right in some way accepts the reasons given by the Clintons when they go to war? Does the Left simply have a bad conscience?

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