Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Dreadful development

I seems that a dreadful development is taking place. The powerful globalization that has been taking place for the last 25 years or so, liberating hundreds of millions of people from poverty, is now loosing its momentum! It seems that the Leftist-green is gaining the upper hand. Free trade and open markets are being replaced with "fair" trade and protectionism in many areas of the world. South-America is falling for socialism, Africa is stuck in its usual place of poverty and disease and the West is regulating and taxing itself to economic drowsiness in the name of environmental issues and social "justice".

This is a horrible development indeed. Milton Friedman died without an obvious successor in the public debate, while the Left produces men like Al Gore and Michael Moore, who make propaganda look like science and George W. Bush look like some kind of a symbol of the Right. The result is as expected: Liberty looses ground, globalization is put on hold and hundreds of millions of people get stuck in poverty and disease.

How to fight this? How to fight the Left that in many ways controls the public debate, has a firm grip on the ever-expanding State and has falsely managed to paint itself as the guardian of the environment and "public" health? For myself I can see no other way out than the one which created the freedom momentum 25 years ago: Tireless criticism of the statist popularism, preaching of the unpopular rational thought and recycling of the works of the great minds of libertarian thought (who I see as Rothbard and Mises and to some extent, Milton Friedmand and Hayek). Or is there another way?

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