Saturday, December 08, 2007

The State adds nothing

I am always amazed that people consider the State to be the "provider" of something, for example: Health care, roads, courts, police protection, education.

Some even say that if the State wasn't there to "provide", then that which the State "provides" would not be provided at all!

This is wrong. The State is not a mystical being that has magical powers and without it, its generous gifts would be completely absent. Roads, doctors and teachers are not dependent upon the extitence of government bureaucrats. There is still food in Russia despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and its enormous food-program.

What the States does is that it collects money from people in need of roads, doctors and teachers, and uses it on its monopoly-system of "provision" of roads, hospitals and schools. Instead of individuals runnings services and building roads, the State does. No magic, no mystery. Just monopoly protected by law.

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