Friday, November 26, 2004

Socialistic capitalism
I would like to think there is such a thing as a "socialistic capitalism". It appears in the heads of people who live in capitalist states, but believe they are living in a socialistic state. An easy example is Denmark. Danish people complain and complain about the lack of state-support to children, older people, students, artists, average working people, users of the public transport-system, consumers, families with children, loners, unemployed people and so on. At the same time Danish people are hard consumers, changing shops, banks, insurance-companies, phone-companies and whatever there is as soon as they dislike prices or services.

In other words - they beg for more state-interferance, but at the same time exploit there freedom in the free market, without connecting the dots.

What dots? Well, the dot which says that freedom generally means prosperity in every sense of the word, and the dot that freedom is best achieved by the absense of the state.

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