Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Clinton sat in the White House for 8 years. Half a year after he left office, terrorists flew airplanes in the towers of the World Trade Center. George W. Bush is left with cleaning up the mess Clinton created. Why is then George W. Bush getting the blame?


Burkni said...

Fyrirgefðu, en nú verð ég að spyrja hvort það sé örugglega allt í lagi heima hjá þér? (skrifa á Íslensku því ég get ekki ímyndað mér að neinn sé að lesa)

Ertu að gefa í skyn að:
1: Yfirgangur BNA í M-austurlöndum hafi byrjað í tíð Clintons, því hann hafi jú vantað eitthvað til að sóa almannafé í?
2: GWB hafi gert góða hluti í utanríkismálum eftir að hann tók við?

Thrandur said...

This is poorly presented. Is the so called mess, created by Clinton linked with the WTC ? Such accusations have never been put forth in any decent media as far as I know.

However, W. may have been forced to clean up mess in other issues; in the economy for instance. He has been blamed for not doing his job well enough in that sector. Perhaps that blame is unfair.

However, W. is getting the blame of creating and amplifing mess in foreign issues. And by doing so he may be effecting people that may have been neutral to turn against the US, which in turn may encourage any group of terrorism, and create other groups as well.

That is a rightful blame that W. should be ashamed of.

I simply cannot understand your enthusiasm and appreciation towards the US president. It is very arguable and may create people to disagree with your opinions. But perhaps that's what you want.

Geir said...

I'm just saying that Clinton was president for 8 years, and shortly after he left office the WTC was attacket by angry Middle-Easterns.

Geir said...

What about Libya? They have decided to relax a little after seeing that nations cant threat the UN and the Western world forever without response.

But I'm sure the attack on the WTC would have happened no matter who was the president of USA for the last 8 years before. Not a 100% sure, but sure enough. Those who hate America simply hate America.

Anonymous said...

When he left office, Clinton told Bush that the number one threat to the US was Bin Ladin. Bush ignored him.

Anonymous said...

After bombings in 1998 Clinton did giver orders to get Bin Laden or neautrlize his organization (kill him). CIA and others failed their task.

Bush's legacy will focus on the millions of people that are going to hate him and America. But thats OK, God has spoken to him recently and supports him.