Some news are better than others. While freedom gains ground in some places it looses grounds elsewhere. Every year we learn a little more about what creates healthy and wealthy societies and what does the opposite. All in all the lesson is clear: Economic freedom, most often mixed with democracy, social freedom and respect for human rights, lifts societies from poverty to riches. Economic freedom paves the way for political freedom. Political freedom paves the way for social freedom. Social freedom paves the way for increased respect for human rights and care for the environment.
This is not surprising for the reader of classic political liberalism. Even before all the experience of today had been accumulated it had been predicted by liberal philosophers that economic freedom was a necessary ingredient to create a wealthy and healthy - and free - society, and perhaps the most important of all ingredients. Modern socialists try to tell us that regulation and social justice must come before economic freedom. This has not turned out to true. Experience and liberal logic tells us otherwise.
i like your points of view..
but it´s sad to see that not all polititions wanna accept that, so they don´t let other weak countries to grow...
In case of my country(Iran), some healthy and wealthy societies like europian politions prefer to keap it: not democratic, weak, dictatorship, with no human right and dependent in all terms...
Hello Geir, been looking for the latest info on Trump and found The key to success. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.
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