George W. Bush is in Copenhagen now for a short visit. A group of Danish people have organized a protest in Copenhagen during the course of the visit called Stop Bush. The group behind the protest writes (roughly translated, and bold text is my doing):
Bush and his world order stands for war, threat of war and torture, for making education a market product, for privatizing of common welfare. It stands for speculators and environmental-pigs getting free hands. It attacks democratic rights in "the fight against terror" and promotes Christian fundamentalism - all of this is only for the benefit of a small, privileged minority.Every sane person can, of course, see through the most basic errors: Bush hasn't gone to any war because it was his and only his idea to do so but gone with a number of democratic states into one country ruled by a man who had threatened the Western world for a decade or so. Education is a market product (sometimes financed with taxes and heavily regulated). Bush hasn't privatized anything in the USA that counts although he has suggested that young workers in USA are allowed to set a little aside in private pension funds instead of pumping every pension-market dollar into the soon-bankrupt social security system. Bush has not given free hands to anyone doing harm to the environment, or has he? (Tips on the issue welcomed.) However, he refuses to buy the useless, expensive Kyoto-nonsense and maybe that's enough to call him bad names. Bush has, and that's true, like many other State-leaders, wanted increased "security" in order to "fight terror", but it's nothing he alone stands for. Also true is his passion for his own Christian values and those who share them with him (a few tens of millions of Americans for example). But so was his opponent's in the presidential race, John Kerry, and this is something most big-name politicians in America share with Bush.
What is left is that "Stop Bush" has very little to do with Bush himself, and more to do with a group of socialists who have plenty of time and social support to organize protests against everything coming from America. An un-named friend of mine and a supporter of the protests (per say) thought that maybe the protests are in principle about how "ugly" Bush is, and that stands out as the best explanation yet.
1 comment:
Yeah, so typical.
The point is that the government of Denmark invites Bush i suppose..
Europian countries themslves support terrorist countries...
They themselves are weak and can´t see anther powerful country..
A man with no principals is not a man!
In europe seems like "going against" religion and morality is promoted and considered modernism!!
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