It seems the State is a magical instrument that, simply by existing, magically can do all sorts of things that would otherwise not be possible to do (especially not in a way that is deemed acceptable to the majority of people). To explain I must first define the State (or Government) and then give a few examples.
The State is an entity that holds an exclusive right to exert violence and coercion upon free individuals and their companies and organizations. In Leftist-jargon this means that the State must shape the society of men into some form or another, for example that of equal income or equal access to everything found "basic" in human existence, regardless of everything else.
And what happens once you have the institution of State? First of all, everyone now has access to doctors and hospitals. No free and volunteer work of man can provide that. Only men who can use force to move money, time and energy from one individual to another can figure out how to help the poor and needy to get healing when sick or medicine when feeling bad.
Another magical effect of being paid with money collected with force is the ability to plan and construct roads, residential areas and utility service (such as water, electricity and telephone networks). No institution or company that relies on volunteer payments and employs private companies can provide these products of the magically skilled public officials. It seems you have to be paid with stolen money to organize roads and lay pipelines in the ground.
Also, when you receive stolen money as salary you seem to gain the emotions and skills that qualify you to settle disputes and protect people from fraud and violence. Only public officials can govern over police, courts and lay the framework of day-to-day interaction between free individuals and their companies. This is truly magical.
And last but not least, when you receive your salary from an institution of legalized violence and coercion you are the only one who has the brains and the balls to decide what people must learn to sustain their existence in society of man. Education must be organized and funded by means of public officials, since private companies and the individuals in their service don't have the magic touch it takes to provide education that is any good. And the younger the students, the bigger the need for public officials to be the sole decision-makers and organizers.
There is much to say about the good and bad sides of the institution of State, but the magic effects of its coercive nature are truly remarkable!