Sunday, February 12, 2006

The warming of the Left

Is there a small chance that the Leftist-Green is giving up on the global-warming issue? Perhaps so. Here it states that,

the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has now crossed a threshold, set down by scientists from around the world at a conference in Britain last year, beyond which really dangerous climate change is likely to be unstoppable.
Well, I guess global warming is on automatic now and nothing to do about it. I guess we can just all continue with our lives, live in warm houses, buy iPods, drive, travel and use refrigerators. Or is this just another scare-tactic from the Left?

The Leftist-faith in some science but not other is quite stunning. Or as one put it:

The environmental movement maintains that science and technology cannot be relied upon to build a safe atomic power plant, to produce a pesticide that is safe, or even to bake a loaf of bread that is safe, if that loaf of bread contains chemical preservatives. When it comes to global warming, however, it turns out that there is one area in which the environmental movement displays the most breathtaking confidence in the reliability of science and technology, an area in which, until recently, no one - not even the staunchest supporters of science and technology - had ever thought to assert very much confidence at all. The one thing, the environmental movement holds, that science and technology can do so well that we are entitled to have unlimited confidence in them is forecast the weather — for the next one hundred years!
Perhaps the best thing to do is ignore the Leftist-Green altogether, both in speech and in funding. They have been wrong until now, and they continue to get it wrong. They seek power of tax-funds and free economies, and the global warming taking place is taking place with or without human assistancence, and is well within control for humans to deal with.

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