Thursday, February 02, 2006

A small thought experiment

An undeniable principle of all human existence is: Humans act. This is the basic principle of Ludwig von Mises' book Human Action, and no-one can deny it (thus acting, thus proving the point).

But since humans act, they must prefer one action against another. Only the insane act randomly. People eat when hungry, dress when going out, piss when need to, sleep when tired.

Since humans choose certain action as opposed to other, they must seek actions that satisfy them in some respect. Only the insane work on purpose to destroy their own existence. Even the sickest junky chooses actions that benefit his position (most likely actions that acquire him drugs). In general people choose beneficial actions.

Since humans act to benefits, they don't act so as to reduce their benefits. Violence is a non-beneficial action since it could spur revengeful actions against oneself. Theft too, is non-beneficial, since it could have the same consequences. Peaceful, non-violent behavior is, in general and for most humans, not only a question of good morality, but also of a strong self-beneficial action that minimizes the chances of being beaten up or robbed (that being non-beneficial).

And since humans act for their increased benefit, a force that requires them to act in a different way is non-beneficial for humans, and thus non-preferred by them.

And since force is non-preferred by humans, then forcing them to change their behavior, consumption, their non-violent (=beneficial) behavior, and tell humans to reduce their property so that another entity can take control of it is non-preferred. If this other entity is indeed going to use or spend the value of the property on the same products/services that the original owner was going to (on his behalf), then this moving of property rends itself useless and meaningless.

But by forcing humans to give up property, and then spend the value of the property on something else than the original owners were going to, a non-preferred action has taken place.

And this in all simply translates into the fact that taxes are not only non-preferred, but also non-beneficial to humans

How to avoid this logical error? Abolish taxes, and accept a society of humans living without violence and each seeking to improve his life.

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