Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Filthy Environmentalist?

A friend of mine, a single young male living alone, once told me that sometimes he didn't bother to do the dishes. He could usually find a plate and a glass that were "clean enough" to eat of and drink out of. He wasn't making any special point by telling me this. I too am a single young male living alone and I know this approach to dirty dishes and glasses all too well.

However, there could perhaps be a message in all of this. What do we need to wash our plates and glasses? We need running water, soap, a plastic brush, and access to a sewer. The water comes from the ground (in our case), the soap comes from a chemical factory, the plastic brush is made up of oil and usually some colur-chemical, and the sewer leads to the ocean where it dispense of all the soap and the food-leftovers from the dish.

In other words; washing the dishes and glasses is very "bad" for the environment.

Then would not a Leftist-Green person celebrate the filthy lifestyles of me and my friend? Would they not compliment us for using less resources and pumping fewer chemicals into the ocean? He should, compared to his general philosophy of life. He should compliment people who don't wash their clothes, don't shower, don't do the dishes and don't buy chemicals and plastic brushes.

The fact is, of course, that Leftist-environmentalism is a philosophy of filth and human misery. It damns all which uses natural resources and leads to disposal of foreign agents into the nature. It celebrates that which preserves nature in its current state. It attacks the lifestyles of the clean and celebrates the lifestyles of the filthy.

I guess that is why many people who say they are Leftist-Green ignore themselves so much harder when they travel the world in private planes, wearing clean cotton shirts, silk ties and shiny leather shoes, just after eating of clean dishes and drinking from sparkling glasses.

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