Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Is Global Warming a Religion?

Unlike most traditional religions that have historically been content to function without the strong arm of the state behind them, the global warmingists want to turn theirs into a state religion. In the very nature of human beings as producers of carbon dioxide, they have found an “original sin” to be eradicated. [...] I suspect that their version of the “Ten Commandments” greatly exceeds that number. - The Global Warming Jihad
Does this not make perfect sense? Those who cast doubt on the "human induced global warming" meet intense criticism, much more intense and widespread than those who promote the agenda of man-made Apocalypse. Those who call for the destruction of human life and well-being are tolerated, even respected, and their word gets the positive attention of many.

Or so i see it.

Not to say that criticism is a bad thing. In fact, in the field of science it is a crucial thing. As a rule of thumb, as soon as anything reaches a "consensus" (like the propaganda/religion of human-induced global warming has via the IPCC and others), it is not very unlikely that it is further from the truth than anything under dispute. Newton was superseded by Einstein, who again is being challenged with new theories. Darwin's theory of evolution enjoys great popularity, but his theory of evolution remains just that - a theory. The same can be said about the human-induced global warming theory.

Nevertheless I tend to lean towards the attitude of Mr. Reisman an others and say that if and even though mankind is having a significant impact on Earth's climate, then this is not a reason to fear, because CO2 is a byproduct of capitalism and industrialisation, just like wealth and welfare of mankind. So what if Siberia grows a littler warmer and Sahara a little dryer? As long as mankind benefits, this is a small price to pay.

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