Thursday, May 06, 2004

Two interesting articles about drafting:
  • We Don't Draft Firemen by Alan Reynolds: "All these apologists for a military draft have earned the same respect we would accord anyone who openly advocates placing the financial interests of the state above the freedom of individuals, or to anyone who openly extols the practical and egalitarian virtues of slavery."
  • The Economics of the Military Draft by Walter Williams: "National defense is an important government function; for rational decision-making, we mustn't permit concealment of its cost through measures like the draft."

Yes it's true: Even though many libertarians favour the national defense role in the hands of the governement, they still oppose draft. Thist just goes to show how wonderfully libertarians in general are against all forms of violence and force. Not even the government can apply force to carry out its core-functions (or more precise: especially not the government!).

And since I live in Iceland and we have no army I might add that the Icelandic government still finds ways of forcing people to work without compensation. An income-tax of about 39%, and higher for people earning more than a certain amount per month, is our goverments way of nationalizing the work-force.

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