Friday, May 21, 2004

Those who need to control others
I hope I'm not putting myself in a situation where I wrongly use various terms and expressions according to the reader, since the same words sometimes mean different things in different countries. But here goes!

Two groups of modern, free people have a very deep and sincere need to control others, namely the Leftists and conservatives. When I use these terms I mean:

  • Leftists: People in favor of an expanded government operation in cultural and educational affairs, as well as in health-care and welfare. They believe that a forced transfer of money is the key to a just and fair society of chances in life and well-being of all. On the other hand, the Leftist generally have no troubles in moral and ethic affairs.
  • Conservatives: Not as keen on running peoples budgets and generally favor a decreased tax-burden and increased privatization. However, they have huge issues with things like homosexuality and want to protect "Christian values" and are unafraid to put the government to use in their attempt to spread out their moral stands.
What those groups don't realize is that they are the same. Yes that's right - Leftists and conservatives are the same. In my mind, there is no difference between the need to control behavior directly by inforcing moral-codes, or indirectly by removing peoples income and in that way shift behavior from one thing to another. Is there any difference? You can stop me from having a baby by either banning me directly to have sex outside of marriage, or indirectly by removing enough money away from me so I can't afford a baby (not that I have anything in my name today except debts, but you know..).

These restrictions affect the personal responsibility of people. Lets take for an example health-care like the Left wants it run: I can smoke and smoke but my medical-bill for my self-inflicted damage will be paid by everyone else (besides the small amounts I paid via tobacco-taxes). I can complain about a cough and throat-irritation and demand expensive drugs to heal me since I've paid taxes already and the health-care should therefore serve me, no matter at what cost.

The controlling groups, the Left and the conservatives (according to my definition) have huge issues with other people. "Other people shouldn't do that or spend on that" they say, showing complete overconfidence in themselves and lack of trust for others. But they are not all that bad. The Left often show tolerance in moral-issues and generally don't mind other peoples religions and sexuality as long as they are peacefull citizens. The conservatives generally don't have huge problems in trusting people with their own income, and maybe put the government-focus on all kinds of programs to help those who can't help themselves after being relieved of the tax-burden (although that's one of the worst things to do to groups that have troubles!).

Gratefully, the combination of the Leftist and the conservative, namely the Fascists and Socialists, have seized to exist as any real power anymore. I'm grateful for that, although my irritation towards those who still need to control others is great.

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