Thursday, May 06, 2004

Media laws create libertarians
The media laws I mentioned here before have had a surprising side-effect on the Icelandic Left, namely that the center-right government is now being beat up by the Left ...from the right! The Left is talking about and fighting for liberty and freedom of speech which in all normal cases should be a job of the Right. It has almost become a crime now to not be liberal enough! Very pleasent surprise for Icelandic libertarians to see the discussion in society evolve like this. It goes to show that many liberal-thinking members of the Icelandic conservative party - the only "right"-winged party in Iceland today - are getting restless nowadays, while the Libertarian Society (which aims on running for Althing in 2007) sits on the side-lines and gloats.

I must write more about "liberal", "conservative", "Right" and "Left" from the Icelandic perspective soon. It doesn't go well with the American versions I think.

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